In the little town of King, North Carolina recently, the AMERICAN COMMUNIST LIBERTIES UNION and the AMERICANS UNITED FOR THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE intimidated this small town into taking down the Christian flag that was displayed along with ten other flags at the Veterans Memorial in Central Park by their usual tactic in bypassing the will of the people and the legislative process: threatening to file a lawsuit.  It seems that someONE in King complained about it.  That’s right, ONE.

It seems that the majority has come out and is publicly opposing these leftists. There are now Christian flags flying everywhere around town: in front of businesses, homes, bumper stickers, on t-shirts, and including very prominently in town in front of Divine Catering on a thirty-five foot flag pole, right across the street from the Veterans Memorial.

But that’s not all.  An retired Air Force Vietnam veteran, Ray Martini, has put a Christian flag back at the memorial, and has organized a twenty-four hour a day guard to make sure it stays there.  He has also threatened to tie himself to a statue of a soldier bowing before a cross if there is any move to get it removed as well.  Interestingly enough, the anonymous complainant apparently had no problem with the statue, just the flag.

Lynn Hey/The Associate Press

And that’s still not all.  Support for Mr. Martini and the citizenry of King is not limited to townspeople.  Not by a long shot.  Home cooked meals by local supporters are being delivered, but offers of support have come in from all over the Eastern seaboard.  A West Virginia man has donated sleeping bags and blankets.  There is also a Facebook GROUP that since October 3, 2010 has grown from 1,600 to over 3,600 (if you want to join, you better join it fast – it’s quickly approaching Facebook’s limit of 5,000 friends).
We’re getting to a really good part here.  The ACLU has heard the message loud and clear.  According to the ARTICLE, Katy Parker, legal director for the North Carolina chapter of the ACLU made the following statement: “We were concerned when the city was sponsoring the Christian flag, but we don’t have any concern with veterans groups displaying the flag.  We think it’s great the city is offering citizens a chance to express their opinions.”

That is a “back-down” and “save face” statement.  How many lawsuits has the ACLU filed across the country and over how many years about the display of any Christian symbols on public land, whether by governmental entities, private groups, or individuals? Can we even begin to count them?

The difference is the ACLU did not expect this large a reaction. And the firestorm is far from over.  There is a protest RALLY scheduled for this weekend in King.

The city is considering several options for the flag to return to the memorial, one of which is turning the memorial over to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  If they do so, there should not be any problem as the U. S. Supreme Court in the case of SALAZAR vs. BUONO had approved of such a transfer of land involving the Mojave Desert cross on April 28, 2010.

Over 500 people from a city of 6,000 attended the October 12, 2010 city council meeting concerning the flag.  The was no opposition from the citizens to the flying of the flag at the memorial.

The citizens of King, North Carolina did the right thing.  I applaud them and Mr. Martini for taking a stand.
This is the way to handle the ACLU’s attempts at forcing their left-wingnut agenda on the majority should they come to your town.  Don’t just take it for granted there is nothing you can do.  Stand up to them. In the words of John Walsh, “You CAN make a difference.”