This man should have mounted his mailbox on the basketball post.  That way, it would have all belonged to the U.S. Postal Service by Federal law and there would not have been anything the DELAWARE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION could have done about it.  

Did you notice the lie in which the DelDot official was caught?  She plainly said he could keep it if he wanted it, but they hauled it off anyway telling this man he could come pick it up later.  And there are those that wonder why so many distrust government? 


This is a tactic we are seeing from the Democrats because it’s election year.  Recycling old news.  Since Newt Gingrich has a chance at winning the Republican nomination, the Democrats are bringing up his past marital troubles.  Interestingly enough, that disqualifies Gingrich from being President, but not Bill Clinton.  One more prime example of the left wingnuts’ double standard.  Excuse me, since I said something negative about a Democrat, albeit the truth, that’s “hate speech.”  What the Democrats are doing, “free speech”.  Okay, I have it straight now.

Anyway, REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (her Facebook page HERE), chairman of the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, is recycling old accusations.  Representative Schultz, on January 11, 2012, blamed the Tea Party movement for the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords last year by nut-job Jared Lee Loughner last year.  Apparently she turned a blind eye, as the left routinely does, to the facts about Loughner that came out later.  He has no political affiliation whatsoever.  His best friend Zach Osler, said, “(Loughner) did not watch TV; he disliked the news; he didn’t listen to political radio; he didn’t take sides; he wasn’t on the Left; he wasn’t on the Right.” (SOURCE: I know Wikipedia can be a flawed source, but this entry is well source and footnoted.  That’s why I used it this time).  Loughner is an atheist.  Loughner’s list of favorite books ranged from Mein Kampf to the Communist Manifesto.  Loughner is drawn to unorthodox political ideologies, but due to his mental problems, is not able to “reasonably sustain any of them” (SOURCE).  Loughner is a diagnosed schizophrenic (SOURCE).

Following is a video so you can hear for yourself what she said:
There’s a couple of things to remember here.  The majority of the “lack of civility” she refers to have actually been liberals attending town hall meetings and Tea Party events, posing as Tea Party members.  I have posted several times in this blog documenting these leftist tactics. 

If we want to talk about a “lack of civility”, let’s talk about the Occupy movement and compare it with the Tea Party.  The number of Occupy arrests as of October 31, 2011 according to the DAILY KOS was approaching 3,000.  Others claim as many 5,535 as of December 12, 2011 (SOURCE).  There have been many incidents of vandalism, thefts, sexual assaults, you name it.  But, it seems all of that is OK.  Tea Party arrests? Can’t find any.  

I don’t think, though, you will hear Representative Wasserman-Schultz or any other leftists making such comparisons.  As we get closer to this fall’s Presidential election, look for the attacks from the left to get much uglier and dirtier.



This is still yet another example of the Occupy movement at its finest.  News reports abound of such criminal acts, but the liberal left in this country is OK with it.  Regardless of political ideology, this goes far beyond First Amendment protection and is 100% wrong.  Period.


As reported earlier, the Occupy Wall Street movement’s New Years Eve effort to retake Zuccotti Park was blocked by the NYPD. However, something else reportedly happened when an ambulance tried to take a stabbed police officer to the hospital.
According to the New York Post, at least one officer was injured in the clash with the swarm of protesters. The unidentified member of the NYPD was slashed on the hand with a pair of scissors and required medical treatment. However, the ambulance carrying the officer experienced some difficulty in getting the wounded man to the hospital.
The Post reports:
Hundreds in the crowd of occupiers then surrounded the ambulance as it tried to leave with the wounded officer, the source said.
The ambulance was eventually allowed to take the police officer to Bellevue Hospital where he is said to be in stable condition.
Earlier in the evening a group of 100 NYPD were on hand to deal with the OWS efforts on 12/31, additional police in riot gear were required to clear the park of protesters around 1:30am on January 1st.
H/T Weasel Zippers


The liberal left wingnuts have tried over and over to label Tea Party members and supporters as racists and extremists.  Yet no documentation or video footage can be produced.  Just the usual drivel.
Following is a real example of  “extreme.”  Extreme lunatic.
This lame-brained young woman, who should not have a parakeet in her care, much less a child, put her four year old child on railroad tracks in Portland, Oregon apparently as part of the port shutdown protest.  Despite her “faith in humanity”, is she absolutely clueless about how long it takes a train to stop even at low speeds?  Any mother in the true since of the word would have been going berserk if her child had wandered on to railroad tracks with an approaching train.  But this is just someone who reproduced.  “Mother” and “parent” are verbs, not nouns.
 Oregon’s child welfare agency, the DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, should take immediate custody of this child, and her mother arrested.  You have a voluntary free-will statement on video here, so MIRANDA does not apply.

And the liberal left talks about how crazy Tea Party members are?  No Tea Party members put their children on railroad tracks with a train coming, or nothing even close.


Enough said.