Enough said.



The AMERICAN COMMUNIST LIBERTIES UNION and other leftist agenda-pushing groups filed a lawsuit yesterday attempting to stop Georgia’s new immigration law, H. B. 87, from being enforced and going into effect July 1, 2011. (Source 1, 2, 3)

CHARA JACKSON, ACLU of Georgia’s legal director, told CNN, “This law essentially turns Georgia into a police state, requiring everyone to carry their papers in order to prove that they are lawfully present in the United States, or risk being subject to lengthy detention or investigation.”

I don’t think so Ms. Jackson.  Here is a direct quote from H. B. 87:

” . . . during any investigation of a criminal suspect by a peace officer, when such officer has probable cause to believe that a suspect has committed a criminal violation, the officer shall be authorized to seek to verify such suspect’s immigration status when the suspect is unable to provide ONE (emphasis mine) of the following: 1) A secure and verifiable document as defined in Code Section 50-36-2; 2) A VALID GEORGIA DRIVER’S LICENSE (emphasis mine); 3) A valid Georgia identification card issued by the Department of Driver Services; 4) If the entity requires proof of legal presence in the United States before issuance, ANY VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE FROM A STATE OR DISTRICT OF THE UNITED STATES (emphasis mine),  or ANY VALID IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT (emphasis mine) issued by the United States government; 5) A document used in compliance with paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of Code Section 40-5-21 (which is a section of Georgia traffic law); 6) Other information as to the suspect’s identity that is sufficient to allow the peace officer to independently identify the suspect.

Just where does it say that an immigrant has to keep their papers on them to prove they are here legally?  You’re right, it doesn’t.  A driver’s license or state-issued ID card will do it.  

Wait a minute.  Georgia state law requires ME, born in Washington, D.C.,  to have my driver’s license or other identification on me at all times when I am out and about.  It would seem that, according to Ms. Jackson’s definition, we ALREADY live in a “police state.”  By Jiminy, Ms. Jackson and her band of merry leftists better hurry and file a lawsuit pronto to overturn such a bigoted, discriminatory (oh, almost forgot, racist) law!  If I’m caught driving without my driver’s license, guess what? I GO TO JAIL!!  Highly discriminatory. Ms. Jackson’s statement is just one more example of the lies and distortions from the left in their quest to force an agenda on the American people.

These types of lawsuits are unconstitutional in and of itself.  Court rulings up to the U. S. Supreme Court were never intended to become law.  Nowhere in the Constitution will you find court rulings able to overturn laws passed by duly elected legislative officials.  Duly elected, by We The People.  Such lawsuits are intended to bypass We The People and the entire legislative process including the President and Congress.

It’s time to push back once again.  As I’ve said many times here, the only to put a stop to these leftist groups is public opposition.  They do not like public opposition because it shows they are in the minority, not the majority as they would like you to believe. 

One small way to show your support for Georgia’s We The People, go to this Facebook site, STAND WITH GEORGIA (AND AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION), and click like, then share it on your Facebook wall.  You may also contact Georgia Governor Nathan Deal by clicking HERE and offering your support and encouragement to stand firm as the games begin. 


Here’s a song by Ray Stevens that sums up illegal immigration very well. Enjoy!


Below is a series of photographs taken on June 27, 2007 by Lance Altherr who was the Tuscon Chapter Leader of the MINUTEMEN CIVIL DEFENSE CORPS. These photos were taken in the Sonoran Desert in a dried up river bed which is being used as an illegal immigrant “superhighway”. Here are the photos, which you absolutely will not see in the mainstream media, along with the captions by Mr. Altherr. I have also included information from the National Park Service via a POST on Snopes that verifies the authenticity of this account. This is just one of many Mexican immigrant “layups” along the border, but according to another blogger friend of mine who lives in Arizona, Tuscon is the main entry point used by the Mexican illegals.

We estimate there are over 3000 discarded back packs in this layup area. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, and soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it. We weren’t too far behind them.

As I kept walking down the wash, I was sure it was going to end just ahead, but I kept walking and walking, and around every corner was more and more trash!

And of course the trail leading out of the layup area heading NORTH to Tucson, then on to your town tomorrow.

Mr. Altherr said of this area: “The illegals have walked over 25 miles into our country when they get to this spot. At this spot, they can see the lights of Ammado, and they know they are within a few hours of getting picked up by the load vehicle which will take them anywhere in the country. When they come, they carry backpacks with clean clothes and food in them; when they get to this layup spot, they change out of their dirty clothes and into clean clothes so that they will blend in better once they get to town. They will cram as many as 20 people into the cab of a pickup truck or 30 people into a van or SUV, so there is no room for any backpacks or extra clothing. We find a lot of brand new clothes and good backpacks which we donate to local schools.”

Mr. Altherr also provided another photograph from another layup site in southern Arizona.
Click photo to enlarge
The illegals are also using the ORGAN PIPE CACTUS NATIONAL MONUMENT to enter the U.S. The National Park Service had this to say:
“Every year thousands of people are attracted to this remote location for its apparent ease with which they can illegally enter the USA. Away from the development at Lukeville, the remoteness of our international boundary is impossible to effectively patrol. Under the cover of darkness, this line becomes a freeway filled with illegal foot and vehicle traffic.”

“Most immigrants are unprepared for the rigors of crossing the Sonoran Desert. They carry a few possessions, a little food, and even less water. They are unaware they are crossing a national monument, a place dedicated to preservation for present and future generations. They may be unsure of the exact route, and merely follow the footsteps of others. As a result, the monument’s wilderness is laced with hundreds of miles of unofficial roads and trails. These routes are usually lined with empty water jugs and other discarded items.”
No, you absolutely will not see nor hear any of this on the mainstream media. This is yet more proof that illegal immigration isn’t the insignificant issue the left would have you to believe. The magnitude of this truly makes it an invasion. One thing that isn’t mentioned here, but can obviously be surmised is that they come in UNOPPOSED. Here is a photo from a hidden camera along one of these routes:

December, 2009 line of suspected border intruders
Illegal aliens on a popular trail
Illegal aliens on a popular trail
These are just three of many photos on BORDERINVASIONPICS.COM taken from video on their hidden cameras along these trails. Click on the link, and you will see just how many have been documented as illegally crossing the border each month. Hundreds every month. The videos prove it. Their latest post documents over 700 border intruders in 40 days (February 2 – March 12, 2010) on one trail.

Here is the video:

This is a matter of national security as this border is absolutely by far the easiest way for terrorists, Al-Queda and otherwise, to enter this country unimpeded. But, the politicians in Washington won’t do anything about it because they benefit financially from it. All of them have business interests, either through investments or direct ownership. Either way, illegal immigrant workers increase the profit margin. Another reason Washington condones it is the desire to form the NORTH AMERICAN UNION. NAFTA was just the start. A secure border would definitely hinder this idea.

Is it any wonder now that Arizona had to try to do something about this? There was no choice in the matter. The majority of Americans nationally favor the Arizona law. Poll numbers are normally around 60% in favor. These numbers have sent a clear message to the liberal Democrats and yes, the White House.

Calls for boycotts are beginning to wane, and in at least one instance, the San Diego Tourist Board was trying to get Arizonans not to boycott their city in response to a boycott of Arizona announced by the city. Enough Arizonans have apparently cancelled travel plans to San Diego and have called the city informing them of it to get their attention.

According to the San Diego Union Tribune, many Arizonans have called the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau informing them of the cancellation of vacation plans to travel to San Diego. The bureau is “urging Arizonans to consider the resolutions as merely symbolic and local politics at work.” They went on to say, “We’re in a very tough environment already because of everything else going on, and we don’t need another negative impact to our industry.” Well, city leaders should have thought of that before they did something so ridiculously assinine. Keep it up, Arizonans!! And anyone else for that matter.

Boycott anything that comes from any municipality that calls for such a boycott such as Los Angeles, Austin, Boston and San Francisco, and let them know about it. It won’t do much good if you don’t contact them. Patronize Arizona businesses and manufacturing as much as you can. Click HERE for a listing of Arizona businesses by category you can patronize. Anytime you need a reminder why, just come back and view these photos, and be sure to go to and watch the videos.


This is a photo taken at one of the anti immigration enforcement protests I think in Arizona. The sign speaks for itself.
Talk about an entitlement mentality. This is worse than the thinking of the majority of our society today.

I have news for those folks. Nobody owes you anything. Nothing. You work for what you get. That system worked very well for generations before the government handouts started.

But, the thing is, illegal immigrants already get a lot of this stuff. The principle doesn’t change. It’s not owed. It’s all being paid for with stolen money. The money that pays for it is forcibly stolen from hard working legal Americans whether they were born here or immigrated legally here.

Be sure to not miss the threat to Arizona police officers also made on this sign. If I had been an Arizona police officer and saw that, this individual would have been under arrest for Terroristic Threats. But I guess that’s racism and Nazism too.


For those of you who think Tea Party protestors are racist, violent, extreme narrow-minded radicals, this one’s for you. This is an Immigration Reform Rally that took place recently in Atlanta, Georgia. Pay particular attention to what form of government they’re promoting while accusing Arizona and some other U.S. states and counties of being “Nazi”. You will have to agree they are quite hypocritical when you see this video. Having it on video takes away all the leftist’s minimizing and justifying. It’s right here for everyone to see. One thing you can be sure of is you won’t hear the mainstream media condemning this in any way. The text of the narrative follows. Here’s the link to the video since WordPress apparently doesn’t allow embedded videos:

Here is a partial transcript of the video:

Conservatives could lampoon an immigration reform rally the way left-wing pundits, commentators, entertainers, and politicians ridicule the tea party movement. Yes, this rally was comprised of nearly all one color participants, or monochromatic as they like to say of us. There were plenty of fat people, and upside down and misspelled signs. The speakers were angry, and the signs were more extreme than Tea Party signs, pathetically so. According to their signs, Arizona and other states and counties have become equal to Apartheid, Nazi Germany, Genocide, and Jim Crow. Really!?! Is this even remotely attached to reality?

So, this protest could be laughed off in the sophomoric, immature way the Libs mock the Tea Parties. But there was a much more shocking aspect to this protest: the open promotion and acceptance of the most radical communism, leftist revolution, and militancy. In contrast, the Tea Parties are strongly patriotic, filled with a sea of American flags, each event starting with the pledge of allegiance to the flag, the National Anthem, and often prayer. The events are filled with patriotic songs, and expressions of gratitude to the police, the military, and those who protect us, and are replete with references to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers. Not here! There were few flags, no pledge, no prayer, no national anthem. Instead, many participants were busy reading and passing along to one another the most extreme communist literature. This handout, for instance, reads in part:

It is a system of capitalism-imperialisma system in which U.S. imperialism is the most monstrous, most oppressive superpowera system driven by a relentless chase after profit, which brings horror upon horror, a nightmare seemingly without end, for the vast majority of humanity: poverty and squalortorture and rapethe wholesale domination and degradation of women everywherewars, invasions and occupationsassassinations and massacresplanes, missiles, tanks and troops of the USA bombarding people in faraway lands while they sleep in their homes or go about their daily lives, blasting their little children to pieces, cutting down men and women in the prime of life, or in old age, kicking down their doors and dragging them away in the middle of the nightwhile here in the USA itself the police harass, brutalize and murder youth in the streets of the inner cities—over and over again—and then they spit out their maddening insults, insisting that this is “justified,” as if these youth are not human beings, have no right to live, deserve no respect and no future (see video for remainder)
America, this is a serious and dangerous situation! John Adams wrote that America is a nation of laws, not men. Yet, they called for lawlessness! All patriotic Americans must resist; not the rank and file deceived, who are often confused, but the leaders and their propaganda pushing for a radical, extremist juggernaut seeking to sweep this system (yes, our American system) from the face of the earth. Make friends with your immigrant neighbors, with kindness help them see the poison being fed to them. And demand from your representatives a closing of the border. America must stop our hemorrhaging border before we are consumed in the same Communist uprising sweeping South America. I had to see it to believe it, now you have seen the seriousness of our situation, what are you going to do about it?