This is a tactic we are seeing from the Democrats because it’s election year.  Recycling old news.  Since Newt Gingrich has a chance at winning the Republican nomination, the Democrats are bringing up his past marital troubles.  Interestingly enough, that disqualifies Gingrich from being President, but not Bill Clinton.  One more prime example of the left wingnuts’ double standard.  Excuse me, since I said something negative about a Democrat, albeit the truth, that’s “hate speech.”  What the Democrats are doing, “free speech”.  Okay, I have it straight now.

Anyway, REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (her Facebook page HERE), chairman of the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, is recycling old accusations.  Representative Schultz, on January 11, 2012, blamed the Tea Party movement for the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords last year by nut-job Jared Lee Loughner last year.  Apparently she turned a blind eye, as the left routinely does, to the facts about Loughner that came out later.  He has no political affiliation whatsoever.  His best friend Zach Osler, said, “(Loughner) did not watch TV; he disliked the news; he didn’t listen to political radio; he didn’t take sides; he wasn’t on the Left; he wasn’t on the Right.” (SOURCE: I know Wikipedia can be a flawed source, but this entry is well source and footnoted.  That’s why I used it this time).  Loughner is an atheist.  Loughner’s list of favorite books ranged from Mein Kampf to the Communist Manifesto.  Loughner is drawn to unorthodox political ideologies, but due to his mental problems, is not able to “reasonably sustain any of them” (SOURCE).  Loughner is a diagnosed schizophrenic (SOURCE).

Following is a video so you can hear for yourself what she said:
There’s a couple of things to remember here.  The majority of the “lack of civility” she refers to have actually been liberals attending town hall meetings and Tea Party events, posing as Tea Party members.  I have posted several times in this blog documenting these leftist tactics. 

If we want to talk about a “lack of civility”, let’s talk about the Occupy movement and compare it with the Tea Party.  The number of Occupy arrests as of October 31, 2011 according to the DAILY KOS was approaching 3,000.  Others claim as many 5,535 as of December 12, 2011 (SOURCE).  There have been many incidents of vandalism, thefts, sexual assaults, you name it.  But, it seems all of that is OK.  Tea Party arrests? Can’t find any.  

I don’t think, though, you will hear Representative Wasserman-Schultz or any other leftists making such comparisons.  As we get closer to this fall’s Presidential election, look for the attacks from the left to get much uglier and dirtier.



The liberal left wingnuts have tried over and over to label Tea Party members and supporters as racists and extremists.  Yet no documentation or video footage can be produced.  Just the usual drivel.
Following is a real example of  “extreme.”  Extreme lunatic.
This lame-brained young woman, who should not have a parakeet in her care, much less a child, put her four year old child on railroad tracks in Portland, Oregon apparently as part of the port shutdown protest.  Despite her “faith in humanity”, is she absolutely clueless about how long it takes a train to stop even at low speeds?  Any mother in the true since of the word would have been going berserk if her child had wandered on to railroad tracks with an approaching train.  But this is just someone who reproduced.  “Mother” and “parent” are verbs, not nouns.
 Oregon’s child welfare agency, the DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, should take immediate custody of this child, and her mother arrested.  You have a voluntary free-will statement on video here, so MIRANDA does not apply.

And the liberal left talks about how crazy Tea Party members are?  No Tea Party members put their children on railroad tracks with a train coming, or nothing even close.


Now that the mid-term elections are over, I think there are many who think the work is done now that most of the incumbent Democrats have been voted out.  This was the biggest shift in political power since the ’30’s.  Yes, this was a major victory for mainstream America and the death knell for Obama’s socialist agenda.  We The People sent a very loud and clear message that we want the current policies of runaway deficit spending and the push for a Socialist America to stop.

But the work isn’t done, and we can’t afford to sit back and relax now.  Instead, we should ramp up our efforts and keep the pressure on.  I have been telling people for months that if the incumbent Democrats are voted out, then the Obama administration and other left wingnut Democrats in Congress would try to do as much damage as possible before the newly elected Congress people take office in January 2011.

Now, here it is.  According to an ARTICLE in the Huffington Post that appeared October 29, 2010, Senate Temporarily-Majority Leader Harry Reid said he would bring the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act up for a vote in the Senate after the November elections regardless of whether or not the Dems kept their majority or not.  I think what he was really saying was what I said: do as much damage as possible before his leftist cronies leave office.  Senator Reid, like the rest of us, knew months ahead of time there was going to be a huge shift in political power after the mid-terms that would result in the left losing control of Congress.

What the DREAM Act says in a nutshell (pun intended) is that a child that enters the U. S. ***illegally*** and has been here for at least five years cannot be denied higher education (taxpayer funded) benefits  and the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security could stop the deportation process of a qualifying illegal alien if they are enrolled in college.  You can just imagine the fraud possibilities there to get around Federal law – enroll in 1 class, nothing in the DREAM act says they have to be attending, get to stay here after breaking the law to get here.  Nice. (SOURCE)

Now we have the Senate passage of S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act.  The way this bill is WORDED, the main thing that will be in danger in the immediate future will be the food co-ops and the Amish.  As I have posted about before, the Federal government and some state governments have been attacking food co-ops and the Amish. Down the road, one person with the FDA has the power to issue new regulations without Congressional (We The People’s) approval.

Two Georgia senators, SENATOR SAXBY CHAMBLISS and SENATOR JOHNNY ISAKSON helped write the original legislation. So, my wife wrote to Senator Isakson and I wrote to Senator Chambliss.  They both wrote back and interestingly enough voted against the final passage of the bill.  They both responded that the way the bill was originally written, it was to improve the FDA’s ability to ensure food safety.

Here is what Senator Isakson said which is basically what Senator Chambliss said too:

“On November 30, 2010, S.510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, passed the Senate by a vote of 73-25.  While I was an original cosponsor of S.510, I voted against final passage of the Senate bill.  In several last minute changes made behind closed doors, Senate Democrats added numerous costs, and numerous new regulations that will require more government employees and a lot more government intervention.  To add insult to injury, Senators were then denied the opportunity to offer amendments to improve the bill during the debate on the Senate floor.  In essence, the modified bill was no longer a good piece of legislation.”

They both also expressed concerns about not having “an open and transparent conference with the House of Representatives before the final bill is sent to the President for his signature.”

“Behind closed doors” . . . sound familiar? That’s been going on with the Democratic majority in this Congress since Obama took office – backroom deals, votes at 3:00 a. m., secret meetings.

And now, Obama is delaying his Hawaiian vacation to try and raise your taxes. (SOURCE 1) (SOURCE 2) 

So again, whatever happened to “95% of Americans will actually receive a tax cut?”  Us 95%ers would like to know although we all know the answer to that one.

The soon-to-exit Democrats are intent on doing as much damage as they possibly can before they have to leave in January.  We must keep the pressure on to stop this.

Those of you who have lame duck Democrats representing you in Congress should be e-mailing them about things like this.  While they don’t have anything to lose personally at this point since they have already lost their seats, they now must think about what is best for their party and voting against the will of their constituents isn’t it.  More of them will be coming up for re-election in 2012.  If we remain silent as we have over the past few weeks, the results will be disastrous.  Our fight to stop the destruction of our freedoms and way of life isn’t over . . . it’s just begun.


Here is a video by G-SKI ROCKS, a black American, responding to the NAACP’s recent REPORT on racism within the TEA PARTY.
G-Ski Rocks’ challenge to a debate or conversation with NAACP President Benjamin Jealous will never be accepted.  The left very seldom accepts such challenges in the face of facts.

Here is a video I decided to include after following a link to the Tea Party Tracker website referenced on the NAACP’s site.  The purpose is supposedly to expose the racism and “other forms of extremism” in the Tea Party.

Notice something?  Out of over thirteen minutes of video, the only racist thing they could come up with at Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally is one t-shirt.  That’s it.  Traditionally, people found to be displaying or representing anything racist are asked to leave when discovered.  The references made by the attendees in this video are all non-acceptance of racism as being OK.  

Then the interviews turn towards the building of the mosque at Ground Zero.  How is this racist?  Since when did Muslims become an ethnic group?  Islam is a religion, not a race.  FAIL again.  

The left is snatching at straws here as always.  Just I have posted about earlier when a video by Think Progress was exposed for the fraud that it was, the left uses a lot of erroneous material to try to prove the Tea Party is a racist movement.  If you missed my post about this, click HERE for the details.  I expose the fraud that Think Progress’s heavily edited video is, and shows that many of the racist signs at Tea Party rallies are really leftists there for photo-ops in an effort to produce “evidence” of Tea Party racism.

Even if you take the left’s accusations that the Tea Party is racist as always 100% fact, consider this.  Out of all the thousands, possibly tens of thousands of Tea Party rallies across the country, look at how very little the left is able to produce in the way of “proof”.  The NAACP’s New Tea Party report is only nine short paragraphs long, three of which consist of one sentence each that explains what the report is and asking for people to sign up for e-mail updates.  The video from Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor above is just over thirteen minutes long.  References to anything at all racial are much less than that.  So, if racism is so widespread in the Tea Party movement, why can’t the left come up with HOURS and HOURS of video rather than MINUTES, and THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of photos instead of SO FEW?  The reason is it isn’t there. 

What all of this really shows is the left’s desperation to stay in control.  They know their days are numbered. Rasmussen predicts the Republican party will gain fifty-five seats in the House November 2nd which is far more than the thirty-nine needed to gain a House majority.  

This isn’t about one party or the other.  There is a much bigger message here.  We The People are sending a message that we are adamantly opposed to even bigger government, continued deficit spending (which both parties are guilty of over many decades), higher taxes, and business as usual in Washington after the elections are over.  If the Republican party is smart, once elected, they will stand for what is right, stick to their party platform, and not compromise (the Democrats never compromise on furthering their extreme leftist agenda).  If they don’t, they may not stay in office.  Anytime a large number of incumbents are voted out and party majority changes, it’s never about the party.  It’s a message.  A message that so far has not been heard in Washington.


This one can’t be blamed on Bush.  Obama owns this one lock, stock, and barrel.  The Obama administration plans to introduce a bill to Congress next year that would require all Internet communication services to be able to comply with wiretap orders.  Included are encrypted e-mail transmitting devices such as  Blackberries, social networking sites such as Facebook, and even software that allows direct person-to-person contact like Skype.  If passed, the law would include allowing the government to intercept and unscramble messages.

This has very obvious possibilities for abuse.  The stated purpose of course is to monitor suspected terrorists.  But given this administration’s designation of those who oppose Obama’s policies as terrorist threats, the FBI, CIA, and NSA could eavesdrop on many law-abiding Americans (over half of us according to the most recent poll numbers showing a clear majority of voters disapproving of Obama’s policies).

The FBI tried to head off objections by the public.  According to the New York Times ARTICLE that reported this, FBI General Counsel Valerie E. Caproni said, “We’re talking about lawfully authorized intercepts. We’re not talking about expanding authority. We’re talking about preserving our ability to execute our existing authority in order to protect the public safety and national security.” Oh really.  Has Ms. Caproni NOT read the Homeland Security report issued by Janet Neopolitan characterizing anyone who believes the Bible, is a veteran, supports the Tea Party, or any one or combination of these as a terrorist threat?  Is she REALLY not aware of Obama asking citizens to report anyone sending e-mails or blogging that opposed his Socialist health care bill?  Anyone believing that this would be used in such a limited context is very naive indeed.

Social Security is a great example of the “limited context” claims by the government.  When Social Security first came into being, the government assured everyone that their information and Social Security numbers would never be used for anything but receiving Social Security benefits.  I even still have a Social Security card that says, “Not to be used for identification purposes.”  Just try to buy a house or conduct any number of personal business transactions while exercising your right not to give out your Social Security number.  Just try to get a job without  providing it.

The “limited context” never ever stays limited.  It’s ever-expanding, many times well under the public’s radar as regulations are tweaked along the way every single year.

So far, I don’t hear loud protests of the left like we did with the passage of the Patriot Act.  I haven’t heard anything from the liberal left about “invasion of privacy”, “warrantless wiretaps”, and on and on.  It will be very interesting indeed to see the left’s reaction to this considering it’s originating from a wildly leftist Democrat administration and can’t be blamed on Bush.  Yes, Obama owns this one . . . totally.


Black protestors at the Restoring Honor Rally in Washington, D.C. ran into some of Al Sharpton’s crowd from his Reclaiming the Dream March on August 28, 2010. The Sharpton protestors were holding signs claiming the mythical Tea Party racism. When confronted with the truth, watch the reaction of the leftists.  If you ever get into a debate with a liberal, this is the way to do it . . . with facts.  You will notice in this video that the liberals have no facts whatsoever to rebut what this young woman stated. Ultimately, the Sharpton crowd just turned and left.  Liberalism always fails in the face of facts.

All I can say is, the leftists sure picked the wrong one to tangle with this time!


I’m sure over the past months you have heard the leftists trying to discredit the Tea Party movement. Since there is no one national leader to attack or lie about, and they have not been able to produce any facts at all that would discredit the Tea Party movement, then they always come to the last page in their playbook: allege racism. Whenever you hear racist accusations leveled against an individual or organization by the left, that always means their previous attacks have been exposed and they have nothing else to say other than to play the old race card. The very old race card.

It seems that the left-wing extremist organization THINK PROGRESS has been caught using brief video clips edited together to try to prove the Tea Party movement is racist. One of the clips, a man who says he is proud to be racist, was in reality not affiliated with the Tea Party and said so as he was being repeatedly asked to leave. Other clips were from non-Tea Party events and gatherings. Here is Think Progress’s version:

This was Think Progress’s second version. The FIRST VERSION, which ran 53 seconds, had two clips of a man yelling, “Go home wetbacks” . . . until it was exposed as having been from a video recorded in 2006 at a Florida protest against illegal immigrants, well before the existence of the Tea Party. That video is now blocked from public viewing. The “new and improved” version is still on Think Progress’s website HERE with this Update statement: “One of the clips in the video had footage from a 2006 anti-immigration event, not a Tea Party rally. We regret the error and have posted an updated video.”

Non-Tea Party leftists attempting to infiltrate a Tea Party Express rally in Boston, April 2010.

Here’s “Nazi-man” at another Tea Party rally.
Here’s the “rest of the story”, with this man admitting he is not part of the Tea Party and is repeatedly being asked to leave due to the swastika emblem on his shirt. Speaking of his shirt: notice the creases and wrinkles seem to indicate that it’s right out of the box. Progressive plant? Quite possibly. Infiltration of this particular Tea Party rally was planned by Crash the Tea Party. Click HERE for details.
Think Progress has said nothing about the misleading use of the “Nazi-man” clip on their video.

Another man, quoted as saying that Obama was “too black to be president”, was taken out of context. Again, Think Progress did not dare include the man’s entire statement. Note that he is married to a black woman. Here is what he said in its entirety:

“Barack Obama’s just a bad guy. That’s all I can say. He’s . . . he’s too black to be president. And you look at the color of my wife, it’s not the color of his skin that troubles me, it’s not the blackness of his skin that troubles me. It’s the blackness inside . . . his heart. He’s a bad guy.” Think Progress failed to edit out this man’s biracial son beside him. A far cry from how he is portrayed in the Think Progress video. Attempting to use this man and making him look like a racist is another shining example of how low the left will go in its attacks.

Then there’s the man who screams, “Afro-Leninism! Coming to you on a silver platter, Barack Hussein Obama!” I haven’t been able to find out what this man meant by “Afro-Leninism”. I saw an idea put forth that it was possibly referring to Obama’s 20-year attendance and membership of a church that teaches a racist Marxist liberation theology. Or it could be a reference to Obama made by radio talk show host MICHAEL SAVAGE in 2008 as an “Afro-Leninist.” If neither of these was it, then I don’t know. I doubt Think Progress knows either. This is the closest Think Progress could come to a legitimate complaint of racism here.

Needless to say, this casts very serious doubt on the accuracy of the couple of clips not covered here. If Think Progress will knowingly lie about this much of this video, then what would stop them from the rest of it being a fraud?

Glenn Beck does an excellent expose’ of this video. He even pointed out a very old subliminal message tactic that was developed by the so-called progressives. There’s a split second photo of someone holding a sign that says, “Thank God there’s Glen (sic) Beck”. So, exactly what is racist about that? Look where it’s placed in Think Progress’s video. In between Nazi-man and someone else making racist comments. God’s and Glenn Beck’s name were placed there in hopes people would connect racism with these two names. Mr. Beck explains:

The other clips are anything but racist, such as, “We think the Muslims are coming in and taking over.” “Send [Obama] back to Kenya” is a reference to the belief that he was not born in the United States, but in Mombasa, Kenya. Definitely not racist. “We can fight al-Qaeda, but we can’t kill Obama.” Maybe a little off his nut, but no racism in this comment either. And the term “faggot”, a term I neither use nor condone, is anything but racist.

To date, Think Progress has not issued any statements about this fraudulent video other than the one noted above. Why? Because it would destroy what little credibility they have. They count on those who do not think things through and the confusion of many between what is a racial slur and a derogatory term aimed a particular group of people that has been perpetrated on the American people by the left.

And think about this: if racism is so widespread in the Tea Party movement, then how come Think Progress could not even get ONE MINUTE’S worth of footage? Take out the known outright fraudulent clips, and you do not even have HALF A MINUTE.

Here’s a final note. In a vain attempt in trying to make the Tea Party appear as a racist movement, NBC reporter Kelly O’Donnell approached a black man at the Tax Day Tea Party rally in Washington, D. C. with the statement, “There aren’t a lot of African-American men at these events.” The man was Darryl Postell, and his answer to O’Donnell’s question of if he had ever felt uncomfortable at the Tea Party rally. Mr. Postell answered simply, “No . . . no, these are my people . . . AMERICANS.” (emphasis mine).

This obvious attempt to create a racial issue was completely crushed by Mr. Postell’s simple answer. ” . . . these are my people . . . Americans.” That’s right, AMERICANS, obviously a concept with which liberals have difficulty understanding. Great answer, Mr. Postell!

Here is an excellent video showing interviews by Nathaniel Stewart of a number of black people who attended the Tax Day Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C. The interviewer reads quotes by leftist journalists and gets their reactions.
The answers from these fellow Americans show just how out of touch with reality liberals really are. I think the real reason the left is so up-in-arms at the Tea Party protests is that the left enjoyed center stage in the protest arena for decades. Average citizens did not participate in demonstrations and protests. They went to work every day, paid their bills, and raised their children. Now, John Q. Ordinary Citizen has seized the limelight and liberal protests greatly pale in comparison. This pre-meditated fraud is just one example of the left’s desperation to get it back.



Think again. Just like the radicals (liberals) of the ’60’s, they didn’t go away, just went somewhere else. Just a side note here in case you didn’t know, liberals in the ’60’s were known as “radicals”. They didn’t disappear, they took over the environmental movement. That’s why the environmental movement is so wildly leftist now. ACORN is now operating under the name of “Communities United” and continues to lobby in Washington. Yes, ACORN has faded from the news media, but they are now trying to fly just under the radar of the public. Here’s the article:

ACORN lobbying efforts continue in Washington under Communities United name

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For a supposedly dead organization, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now sure has been busy.

Despite ACORN’s reported demise, the radical group’s flagship Washington, D.C., office continues to go about its business below the radar as state chapters across the nation form breakaway groups.

On May 5 ACORN’s new D.C. spinoff group, Communities United, held a founding meeting in ACORN’s office on 8th Street Southeast in the nation’s capital.

“Communities United is just ACORN’s way of thumbing their nose in the face of everyone,” sources close to ACORN say.

The D.C. office is important to ACORN because the embattled advocacy organization runs its congressional lobbying efforts out of it.

The same office is also home to Project Vote, ACORN’s voter registration arm, which continues to operate. In the 1990s President Obama trained ACORN activists and worked for Project Vote.

Communities United registered as a nonprofit corporation with the District of Columbia government on May 4 and is the product of the consolidation of ACORN’s D.C. and Maryland chapters. The new group expects to open a Maryland branch office, sources said.

ACORN’s head organizer for Columbus, Ohio, Barbara Clark, is expected to be brought in to run the new group, according to sources. As part of a racketeering lawsuit settlement with the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, a libertarian public interest law firm, ACORN is required to surrender its business licenses in Ohio by June 1.

Apart from Communities United, ACORN chapters in 12 states have reorganized themselves into 11 new organizations. The largest appear to be Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, New York Communities for Change, and New England United for Justice (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island).

Meanwhile, lobbyists for ACORN’s largest and best-funded affiliate, ACORN Housing, which recently changed its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America, disclosed in a lobbying reporting form that they have been lobbying a federal agency that is reportedly investigating ACORN Housing.

According to the form ACORN Housing paid the lobbying firm $40,000 in the first quarter of this year to lobby both houses of Congress, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

ACORN Housing is under investigation by HUD.

ACORN received some unwanted publicity in recent weeks when a video surfaced showing ACORN Chief Executive and chief organizer Bertha Lewis openly praising socialism and referring to the Tea Party as a “bowel movement” filled with racists.

Although ACORN leaders typically refuse to be labeled as socialists because they realize the term has a negative connotation in American culture, ACORN’s manifesto, the “People’s Platform,” explicitly endorses massive redistribution of wealth, along with a crackdown on bankers and forcing corporations to put poor people on their corporate boards.

Lewis told reporters last month that her group had reduced its staff to four, down from as many as 600 employees.



Riot police shield Obama from tea-party Grandmas
Posted by Europe on May 02, 2010

When hundreds of tea-party protesters – including many elderly women – gathered outside a civiccenter where President Obama was giving a public speech Wednesday, they were surprised to be greeted by police dispatched in full riot gear.

Obama spoke in Quincy, Ill., at the Oakley LindsayCivic Center. The event was open to the public, and about 2,000 tickets were distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

About 200 protesters peacefully rallied outside thecivic center, carrying signs that read “Give Us Liberty Not Debt” and yellow “Don’t Tread On Me” flags, the Quincy Herald-Whig reported. Protesters waved U.S. flags and shouted “Remember in November” and “You work for us.”

‘Look at these extremist maniacs!’

After Obama’s motorcade arrived, a Secret Service agent instructed protesters to move across the street. The crowd began singing “God Bless, America” and the National Anthem. Quincy Deputy Police Chief Ron Dreyer ordered police in full riot gear to march up the street and stand between the tea partiers and the civic center.

Snipers were also spotted on the rooftop of the building.

Rooftop snipers

Tea-party grannies are just some of America’s true patriots! Find out who the rest are in this beautifulcollection of tea-party images.

The tea partiers complied when they were told to move across the street, behind a sidewalk and into a parking lot. The riot police did not come into contact with the crowd, and the tea partiers sang patriotic songs while obeying the orders.

“Thanks for protecting our president,” one tea partier can be heard saying on a video of the event. “He’s the anointed One, the Messiah.”

Another man said, “Illegals are rioting, and we’re as peaceful as you can believe.”

NBC affiliate WGEM described the crowd as “rowdy,” though they could be heard singing “God Bless America” in the background during the report.

Inside, Obama told the crowd, “When I travel now, it kind of causes a ruckus.”

Michelle Malkin’s blog responded to the incident with the headline “Riot police called in to protect Obama from out-of-control tea party.”

“Thank goodness the riot police showed up quickly before something serious happened,” Doug Powers wrote. “Look at these extremist maniacs!”

Powers referenced photos of several elderly women at the protest who smiled and wore U.S. flags.

Tea partiers in Quincy

“No word yet on how many crimes were carried out in town while the police were being ordered to monitor this seething cauldron of tea-party rage,” he wrote, “but it was a small price to pay to keep the area secure.”

Organizer Steve McQueen told the Herald-Whig, “We’ve always been respectful and acted with dignity. We are out to make our case and make it peacefully.”

Tea partiers rally on opposite side of street

Tea-party blog P/Oed Patriot posted the following video of the incident:

The following videos of the event were also posted on YouTube:

The photos and videos sparked a wave of blogger reactions, including the following comments:

* I hope the riot police have full auto assault weapons with armor-piercing rounds. I hear false teeth can deflect normal NATO rounds.

* Those poor police have to be embarrassed.

* These guys and gals look like my mom or the people in my church. Wake up America!

* Why can’t these racist, violent tea parties be civil like the peaceful pro-illegal immigration rallies we saw in Phoenix!?

* The cops really have to worry since protesters are shown on tape throwing bottles at them. Oh wait …

* SWAT was there because it looked like the ladies were going to break out in a bingo game. Those daubers have ink, ya know.

* Oh my G-d. How beyond ridiculous. This country’s “leaders” have gone stark raving insane.

* Yeah, they look like real hoodlums. Next they’ll be going after the elementary school kids singing those crazy patriotic songs!

* When will the AARP condemn this threatening behavior by team Obama?
